One in Three Social Security Disability Recipients Have Mental Illness A new report released at the end of January shows that a growing portion of social security disability recipients and applicants have a mental disorder of some kind. The Social Security Administration’s latest report shows … [Read more...]
Social Security Retirement Benefits Less for Women
Lawmakers Examining Ways to Shore Up Social Security Retirement Benefits for Elderly Women Although Social Security retirement benefits are gender-neutral, elderly women who depend on the money to survive are more likely than men to receive less money from the federal program, which means they are … [Read more...]
Service-Related Disability Ratings Complicate Veterans Benefits
Changes to Service-Related Disability Ratings and Definitions Can Complicate Veterans Benefits Applications As Congressional representatives search for ways to improve and streamline veterans benefits applications and the Veterans Administration in the wake of the VA hospital scandal, some are … [Read more...]
Senator Hopes to Extend Veterans Benefits for Post-9/11 Military
Senator Calls for Extended Medical Veterans Benefits for Post-9/11 Military Although a group of Congressional auditors recently released a report accusing some veterans of “double dipping” into both Social Security and veterans benefits, a Senator is now using his last action in office to call for … [Read more...]
Social Security Benefits to Go Up 1.7% for 2015
Social Security Benefits Expected to Rise 1.7% for Recipients in 2015 The Social Security Administration released an estimate on Wednesday, October 22nd, that retirement benefits for 64 million Americans will go up 1.7% in 2015. Although the increase will be good for Social Security benefits … [Read more...]
Columbia SC VA Failed Veterans Disability Claims
Report Shows Columbia VA Did Poor Job Reviewing Veterans Disability Claims As President Barack Obama signs a bill overhauling veterans benefits and healthcare into law, a new report shows that the Columbia Veterans Affairs regional office has done a poor job of reviewing veterans disability claims … [Read more...]
SC Bill Would Help Veterans Find Work
Proposed Legislation Could Help SC Veterans Return to Work A new piece of legislation moving through the State Senate could put more veterans in South Carolina back to work. A federal survey from the first week of April showed that, although members of Congress often urge federal agencies and … [Read more...]