South Carolina Social Security Lawyers
Appealing a Social Security Denial in Federal District Court
If the Appeals Council does not find in your favor, the next step is to file suit in Federal District Court. We will review your case to determine if this is appropriate for your claim. In order to protect your rights, it is essential that you contact us immediately so that we will have a sufficient amount of time to evaluate your case and determine how to proceed.
Our experienced Social Security Disability Attorney formerly worked for a United States Magistrate Judge reviewing social security cases and understands what kinds of errors that federal judges look for when reviewing your social security disability case.
As disability lawyers at Strom Law Firm, we have represented hundreds of Social Security claimants in South Carolina and see every case through to resolution. While your attorney’s role depends on the particular facts of your case, a Social Security disability attorney at the Strom Law Firm can take charge of the following concerns
Free Consultations • Flexible Appointments • Se Habla Español
By: South Carolina Social Security Attorney Pete Strom